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Covert VideoPress Update Guide

New Version 3.0 Available

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Download the latest version of the Covert VideoPress theme from your JV Zoo Portal

Please Update Your Covert VideoPress theme To Version 3.0

There is a new updated version of the Covert VideoPress theme available. If you are NOT runnning version 3.0 yet, then please follow the steps below to update your theme.

New Features & Fixes In Version 3.0

New Features & Fixes In Version 2.4 (Automatically included in v3.0)

New Features & Fixes In Version 2.3 (Automatically included in v3.0)

New Features & Fixes In Version 2.2 (Automatically included in v3.0)

New Features & Fixes In Version 2.1 (Automatically included in v3.0)

New Features & Fixes In Version 2.0 (Automatically included in v3.0)

New Features & Fixes In Version 1.5 (Automatically included in v3.0)

New Features & Fixes In Version 1.4 (Automatically included in v3.0)

New Features & Fixes In Version 1.3 (Automatically included in v3.0)

New Features & Fixes In Version 1.2 (Automatically included in v3.0)

New Features & Fixes In Version 1.1 (Automatically included in v3.0)

Step 1: Download The New 3.0 Version From JV Zoo

Log in to your JV Zoo Portal area and locate your "Covert VideoPress" download. Open the page and download the new zip file to your computer. Note that the file does not have 3.0 in the name - but when you download a new version of Covert Video Press it will be version 3.0

Step 2: Install The Easy Theme and Plugin Upgrades Plugin

We highly recommend doing this first. If you upgrade a theme without installing this plugin first, then you WILL lose your widgets and any customization you have done sidebars and footer!

After you have installed and activated the free Easy Theme and Plugin Upgrades Plugin, you can proceed to step 3.

Step 3: Upgrade The Theme

  1. Download the latest zip file for your theme from inside your JV Zoo Portal. Note that the file does not have 3.0 in the name - but when you download a new version of Covert Video Press it will be version 3.0/li>
  2. Log into your WordPress site.
  3. Go to Appearance > Themes.
  4. Click the "Install Themes" tab.
  5. Click the Upload link below the main page tabs.
  6. Select the zip file with the new theme version to install.
  7. IMPORTANT: Select "Yes" from the "Upgrade existing theme?" option.
  8. Click "Install Now".
  9. After the install is done click "Activate Now"

That's It You're Done

Enjoy version 3.0 of this powerful theme and stay tuned for more free updates and added features in the future.

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